Investing in Yourself
If you have found this post, the chances are that you’ve either booked your Luxury Boudoir Experience or you’re about to get it locked in. Either way, I can’t wait to get you into the studio and sing praises about how bomb you are. I’m going to lay out the basics for you here about investing in yourself. Let me preface this by saying YOU ARE WORTH IT!
You are not just getting pictures. Whew, I’m glad that is out of the way. Although it may be one of the bigger reasons why you booked this experience, it’s not the only thing you’re getting. Booking a session with Sarah Rachel Boudoir is just that, an experience. You are spending the whole day being reminded how fierce and powerful you are and there is no price tag on that. This could be the first time in a long time that you put yourself first, and girl, you deserve that.

Your day will begin being pampered by one of my amazing resident Hair and Makeup Artists. They truly have an eye to get you from everyday to slay! After that we’ll pick out your favourite outfits that perfectly compliment your curves. I will always give my input about what looks amazing on you and girl you know i’ve got that bodysuit obsession that you are more than welcome to browse through!
By this point you’re looking and feeling like a Victoria’s Secret Model! The shoot itself is about 90 minutes of me yelling about how amazing you are. I seriously end up so excited about how bomb you are that I end up yelling but I mean every single word! You are a phenomenal human being, you deserve this and your butt looks fabulous.
You’re investing in you. In how you feel about yourself and you truly cannot put a price tag on the way your confidence sky rockets when you step foot outside of my studio. I offer a wide range of luxury, hand picked products that I personally love and clients usually invest £1800-3500 on their experience. I offer payment plan options for you as well as the option to PRE PAY for your products so you don’t have to worry about anything other than showing up and getting your products even sooner!
So now that we know about the investment part, here are some tips and tricks to help save for your session! These small adjustments can really help you bring home EVERYTHING you want without the heartbreak of leaving products and images you love behind.

Plan ahead! Bear in mind my sessions are usually booked out 3-6 months in advance, but you can turn this into your advantage and schedule a date in the future and set up a Pre-Session Payment Plan. This is basically where we set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly payment plan leading up to your shoot based on which Collection you think you may be interested in purchasing. This option is great because you can take your time paying it off and then on the day of your shoot, you don’t have to worry about such a large expense all at once! You can enjoy the experience and you can always upgrade if you end up loving more images!
Figure out your budget. You wouldn’t believe how many unnecessary things we pay for until you sit down and actually look at it! Try eating or going out only once a month and order water whenever you can (heellllloooo, it’s freeeee!), scale back on those coffee trips or cut out a monthly expenses that you don’t find yourself using on a daily basis. Use those savings and put them in your boudoir account!
Set aside money whenever you can! This can be in numerous forms. You can create a separate bank account that automatically transfers over £20, £30 or £40 a week into the account (that will add up FAST) or your own “boudie bank” in the form of a jar or box where you throw in all of your spare change and even extra notes! *Pro tip* Add any £5 or £10 note you get into it. Seems small now, but it WILL add up!

24 hours can make or break a decision. If you’re shopping around, especially online, leave items in your basket for 24 hours. When you come back to it the next day, you’ll probably realise that you don’t need or even want it anymore and it helps scale back impulsive and unnecessary purchasing! Sometimes they’ll even offer you an extra discount too.
Get rid of the tempting email spam! Boohoo is having another 30% off sale and you just want to sneak a little peek….stop right there! Instead of clicking the link, click “unsubscribe” and get rid of temptation all together so you’re not spending what you don’t need to. Unless you’re using that 30% off to get outfits for your session, then carry on ;)
Download a money tracking app. In this age of technology, there are numerous apps you can download to manage where your money is going and make decisions from there. See what you can cut out and move into your boudie bank!