Prepping For Your Boudoir Shoot || Boudoir Photos Leicester
Your Boudoir shoot is very likely a once in a lifetime experience or in the least a rare treat, so there are several things you want to do in order to prepare for your session. These tips will guarantee that the days leading up to and during your photo shoot will be much less stressful, and will result in a beautiful set of photos.

- If you wax, do so a few days before your shoot to avoid any bumps or redness.
- Make sure your eyebrows are nicely groomed.
- Be sure your fingers and toes have a nice mani/pedi and/or are clean before the session, even if it’s just a clear polish!
- Stay out of the sun – natural skin always photographs best.
- Drink plenty of water for luminous skin.
- Lower your salt intake and avoid alcohol if you’re worried about retaining water about 48 hours in advance.
- Try on your outfits and lingerie to make sure they fit properly; remove all tags and labels. And with those outfits – practice posing in these clothes in front of the mirror (you may be thinking – uhm… awkward) but trust me! Blast your favourite Spotify playlist and just do it – you’ll be glad you did.
- Nobody wants to ruin an empowering session because they’re crabby, cramping, and bloated. Instead, book the week after mother nature decides to gracefully hit you; this is when you’re high energy and feeling like your most gorgeous self again.
- Bathe, shave and moisturise.
- Double-check everything is properly packed and ready for the shoot: jewellery, accessories, shoes, etc.
- Allow yourself plenty of time to travel to your session without stressing. Check weather and traffic reports to ensure you have allotted enough time for unexpected delays.
- Enjoy a relaxed, quiet evening the evening before.
- Get a good nights sleep! The night before is not the best night to hit the town; get all your things packed and ready the day before and allow yourself plenty of time to get prepped. Do your natural routine in the morning whether that is journaling or working out – just be YOU! You will be happy you did!
- Use clear deodorant, please!
- Skip the bra, socks, watch, tight jeans, leggings that have stitching and/or patterns and anything else which could leave an impression on your skin the day of your shoot. Besides, you want to relax and feel confident. I recommend wearing a loose t-shirt and soft leggings to your shoot so there are no funky lines anywhere on your body.
- Three words: Water. Water. Water. Make sure to avoid alcohol and salt 24 hours before as these will not make you feel your best. And don’t fake tan. Don’t use tanning lotion. Your most natural skin is going to look the most beautiful and you don’t want to look like a sexy pumpkin. Trust me.
- Eat something light but filling before you leave the house, and feel free to bring your favourite snacks to the shoot!
- Most important: Take a deep breath and RELAX. It’s completely normal to be a little bit nervous before your shoot, but please don’t worry, we will have so much fun together!